Vick released from prison…and NFL protest

Ahhh..if only...but Vick "destroyed" so much of the evidence!

Ahhh..if only...but Vick "destroyed" so much of the evidence!

You can read about convicted dog-fighter (murderer) Michael Vick’s release from prison here. Now deemed as remorseful (doubtful) and “penniless” –laughable because a penniless person cant afford to go back to living in his mansion and “having the swimming pool readied” for his return–Vick expects to be reinstated to the NFL and resume his high-paying career. I can only hope and pray the NFL does the right thing and gives him the same chance he gave his dogs–which was NONE!!!

The line about the swimming pool in the article referenced above is particularly maddening to me, because it was in that swimming pool that Vick electrocuted his dogs–having attached electrodes to their ears, connecting them to a car battery, and throwing them into the water–causing a slow and agonizing death. Evidence of their suffering is noted here on the BadRap blog (see Donna’s comment in the post), which discusses the scratch and bite marks found on the pool as the animals, evidence that as high volts of electricity coursed through their veins the pitiful creatures tried to escape the torture.

Personally, I think Vick should only be reinstated to the NFL if he allows himself to suffer the exact same torture as his dogs did. Let his first dip in the pool as an ex-con be with electrodes attached to his ears and a car battery. Only then will I feel like Vick might-just might–have paid his debt to society. But I’ll never, ever believe he paid his debt to those dogs!

Please join us in protesting Vick’s possible reinstatment to the NFL.

I signed the petition “Ban Michael Vick from the NFL-Permanently”. He was convicted of the heinous torture and slaughter of dogs while operating an illegal dogfighting ring in Virginia, USA. Apparently his NFL career wasnt enough for this psychopath! I’m asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 100,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.